How Was Your First Day Home With Your Twins?

by Griffin

How did they act? Was it frustrating? Did they sleep alot? Your overall experince...

Comments for How Was Your First Day Home With Your Twins?

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Apr 12, 2010
Very Very Scary
by: Tzena

Although i was involved with my Twins father, we did not live together, the day my grandmother dropped me and my boys home, they were 7 days old and my older children were all at school,so the house was empty, and all was very quiet. but the moment i was sat with my two tiny boys settled in their cribs, and my Grandmother had drove away from home, i had a moment of " oh no, i'm on my own now", and despite having children some 11yrs earlier i was panicing as to how often do i change them. i soon got past that and took to mothering twins like a duck to water.We soon established a routine and it worked very well, they were fed together as often woke within 10mins of each other, i would sleep when the twins slept, it was the only way i could keep up, my older children were an incredible help, daddy would chip in when we saw him,and now more than makes up with parenting our boys together. i fed them till they were a year old ,

Apr 10, 2010
the first day
by: Kristina

honestly the first day for us was not that bad!
We were lucky enough to have my inlaws follow us home, the men went and picked up lunch while me and my mother in law unpacked everything and put away everything while the babies slept.
They did do a lot of sleeping the first few days, and up to eat about every 3 hours.
Honestly the hardest part is figuring out what is going to work for you and what to place where in order to make things easier on you!
We used the boppy a lot and we also had purchased bottle props for when my husband went back to work and I was alone. You may want to check into it. They are called MILK MAIDS and I ordered it online at
Those were a life saver and came in handy even when out grocery shopping!
Our twins will be 1 this coming sat. I cant believe how quick the time goes!

Good luck with you and yours.

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