Loosing One Twin at 13 Weeks?

by Nina
(Bucks County, PA)

I am 13 weeks pregnant and I just found out that they are twins. The doctors think that they are identical but are not a 100% sure.
I was wondering what the chances are to loose one of the twins at this time or in the upcoming weeks.

Thanks so much

Comments for Loosing One Twin at 13 Weeks?

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Dec 10, 2015
by: Anonymous

I was just told one of my twins might not make it to term and will definitely not make it after its born. I'm mortified cause I could loose both at anytime. I'm 35 yrs old with no other children. I'm so lost right now.

Mar 31, 2010
by: Nicole

I am having identicals and I am currently 18 weeks with girls. I worry every minute of every day. With a twin pregnancy considered high risk, it is hard not to worry. With identicals if you lose one the odds of losing both are high. If one survives it will have severe problems. I worry about that stuff. HOWEVER, I do always feel reasured that everything is ok when I am at the dr and hear the heartbeats and I have ultrasounds all of the time as well. Identicals sharing a placenta also run higher risks, and mine are sharing a placenta. All you can do is go to your appointments, get rest, dont overdo it and take care of yourself :) :)

Mar 28, 2010
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Hi, thank you for your response....I appreciate it very much.

Mar 28, 2010
I think you are in the clear
by: Anonymous

well I think you should be in the clear.. that said nothing is for sure. I have 10 month old twins and worried the entire time. 13 years ago I was pregnant with twins and lost one at 9 weeks I never knew I was pregnant with twins until after I had lost one so I dont think it was the same for me... I am not sure of the statistics but once you cross the 2nd trimester the chances of a loss decreases drastically.. gl and congrats on the twins oh and fraternal usually are less likely to be lost than identical..

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