Loving Mother Of Twins

by Tabitha Black
(Mountain City, TN)

Well, I was 30 weeks and I went into labor on April 27th, 2008. I had a boy and a girl. My little girl weighed about 1.76 lbs. and my little boy weighed about 2.4 lbs. My little girl came home after a month of being in the NICU. My little boy is still in there 5 months later. We had so much trouble out of him and we have lost him more than once. It's a very scary thing to be going through. He is still on a thing called a ventilator and we don't know if he will grow out of it or not. We all pray now! Alexis now weighs 8 lbs. and Bryce weighs 9 lbs. But, I hope all mothers to twins never have to go through what I have been through.

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Feb 05, 2010
Keep the faith
by: Anonymous

i want to congratulate you on your patience, endurance, and strength to be a mother of two babies and one still in nicu. My worst nightmare was having my twins in the nicu for 2 months. I will pray for your baby boy and the rest of the family because it is very energy draining to have a child in the hospital, notbthat the hospital is a bad place, but there really is no place like home. I have faith all will be well.

Jan 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

i am so sorry to hear your story. im 15 weeks pregnant with twins and very scared. Thank goodness your little girl is doing well and your son sure sounds like a fighter.I hope and pray he will be ok and my love and thoughts are with you and your family xx

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