Monoamnionic Monozygotic Twins With a Fraternal Triplet

by Shaunna Gyorki

I was pregnant with monoamniotic monozygotic twins and a fraternal triplet. The perinatologists were not too thrilled when we decided not to "remove" the "problematic" twins and allow their triplet to have more than a 10% chance at life. I was on bed rest from about 10 weeks and was monitored every week until they were delivered by c-section at 32 weeks. They did have some complications. Our lives have never been easy, or as blessed. They are truly a miracle! Have faith!

I hope my experience can provide a bit of hope to anyone who may be scared by the statistics they might be facing. My girls are going to be 13 in a month, we are enjoying the journey despite the bumps along the way.

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