None of the Risk Factors For Twins = No Warning

by Julianne
(New Hampshire, USA)

We weren't trying, in fact I'd bought a fresh supply of birth control pills 3 days after conceiving. I'm under 35 by quite a bit, and twins don't run in our family. So when I was sent for an early ultrasound because I was measuring large I shrugged it off - they'd done the same thing for my first pregnancy too, a healthy baby girl. My husband is just a BIG guy.

But of course, as I lay down on the table that morning, with one eye out for the nearest trash can (I've never been so sick in my life) I looked up at the screen on the wall to catch an early glimpse of my newest little one just in time to see her laid out length-wise across the screen like a banana. "Whew," I kidded, "it is only one. I thought it might be twins cause they sent me in early." The technician looked at me and smiled. "Actually," she replied, "it is twins."


I'd been looking for the trash can when she started, and I'd missed the first money shot of both babies on screen.

I don't remember much after that, for about 3 weeks. I was in shock. I do remember everyone needing to be reassured that it wasn't a joke, including my husband, because as I said, we had NONE of the risk factors.

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