Pelvic Pain In Twin Pregnancy?

by Chelsee
(Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

I am currrently 33 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins of course...and a couple times now after getting out of the house I get horrible pelvic pain that shoots down my legs and I can barely walk or get up after I've sat this normal? does this mean one of the babies have dropped? They are both head down. I don't want to go into labour that what it means?

Thank you for your answers

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Oct 08, 2015
Pelvic Pain
by: Polly

I am 19 weeks pregnant with twins and experiencing pelvic pain especially in the night. it realy hurts. feels like someone is stretching the bones inside. IS THIS NORMAL?/

I also find difficulties in sleeping. i sem not to find a better position for me to sleep in. please help.

Sep 13, 2012
two boys
by: Kassie

I'm also having some pressure and sharp pain, in my pelvic area unfortunately my doctor just keeps saying its because of the scar tissue from my last cesection but I feel like for being 18 Weeks prego and having twins it just shouldn't hurt I don't know what to do I to have ordered a belly brace lol hope it gets better I feel your pain guys

Jan 15, 2011
by: mairo

i am 12 week pregnant and doctor told me this week after U/S that i m having twins butt m having sometimes lower abdominal pain and pelvic pain, doctor did not pay a lot of attention to this pain as this could b normal in twin, but if any one have the same? really worried according to doctor heart beat and movement of the babies is quite normal

Feb 05, 2010
Shooting down your leg...
by: Cierra

If the pain goes shooting down your leg, it is nothing to worry about. One of the babies is sitting on your sciatic nerve (one nerve on each side for each leg). I had this quite a bit with my first pregnancy and went to a chiropractor for adjusting. The adjustments worked so well that I saw a chiropractor with my second and never had the same issues. Good luck! Hope everything feels better!

Feb 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

Could be the babies putting pressure on that nerve..Mine gets so bad, I really have to choose what I do in any given day..It shoots down my leg, then makes part of my leg go sort of numb..Crazy stuff..

Feb 03, 2010
pelvic pain
by: Kelly

I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant with twins and also have pelvic pain. Mine started in my first pregnancy (a singleton) at around 22 weeks after a long run. I went to physical therapy throughout the pregnancy and wore an SI belt and had great success managing the pain. Of course the condition returned with the twins and I'm taking the same route of treatment and it's working but I'm also a LOT less active than I was with the first. To answer your question, the pelvic pain is due to the presence of the horomone "relaxin" which is a natural and necessary horomore to prepare your ligaments to soften and strech to deliver the babies. Due to the weight of two in the belly it makes everything feel loosy goosey a bit early and thus you have the pain. Try buying an SI belt (online) and wear it at all times, (even in bed if possible). To minimize pain you can put your clothes on while sitting down. Stand with weight evenly distributed at your feet and rest as much as you can. I hope this really long response is helpful. Good luck and hang in there!--kelly

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