Twin Baby Carriers - Suggestions?


I have 4 month old twins and am looking for an alternative way to carry my babies besides the double stroller. I would like any suggestions on a great, comfortable twin carrier to carry baby on self or if none, maybe I can use a great and comfortable single carrier and use a light weight single stroller for my other baby. Please reply as soon as possible. Thinking of buying the baby bjorn or the snugli. Thanks

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Apr 02, 2013
Ergo x 2
by: Anonymous

Two ergos work well . Put baby on back first and then strap on the front ergo. I bought a second ergo when my twins were sick. I use them together in a pinch or I can hand one to my hubby or friend.

Jul 29, 2011
Some Options
by: Anonymous

Trends In Twos ( carries a couple of options:

Jul 28, 2011
twin carrier
by: Anonymous

My babies are 7 months old what I do is try to shop places that have carts and keep one baby in the infant carrier, and put the other in a baby carrier, I just got on from target. I believe they do make double carriers but thats a wide load and stressful on your back. So I just switch who is in the carrier every other time. Hope this helps you out I know it is hard to get around with two babies!

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