Twin Ultrasound To Determine Gender

My wife and I went in a had our 18 1/2 week ultrasound. We have 1 girl for sure, but the other baby we could not tell, but we were told it was another girl. The ultrasound picture for Baby B does not look like the female ultrasound for Baby A. Do we need to wait a little longer to have another ultrasound?

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Feb 12, 2012
by: Anonymous

I wouldn't always trust the tech. I am 18 weeks, and my first ultra sound my tech gave me a lot of false information on my twins that my Dr clarified for me later. Also, same facility, dif tech told my friend her baby was a boy, and we kept looking at the pic, seeing a "clam" not a "turtle" and due to complications, she had to have another ultra sound a little farther along and found out it was actually a girl!

Apr 30, 2010
it's a girl
by: Anonymous

If the ultrasound tech said it is a girl, than it is a girl. Don't compare pictures - all babies look different and privates usually aren't pictured anyway.

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