Is There A Chance I Could Be Having Another Set Of Twins?

by Amber

My period is not late yet, but I took a pregnancy test and it said positive. I have been pregnant with identical twins before. Is there a chance I could be having another set of twins?

I had 3 singleton pregnancies and didn't get a positive result until after my missed period.

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May 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

Sometimes an "early positive" on a pregnancy test is the first indication that you may be carrying twins...But, there's no way to be certain without an ultrasound by a professional.

There's always a chance for anyone to have twins, so I imagine you're no different. The fact that you were pregnant with identical twins before shouldn't have an impact - it's fraternal twins that make the difference, as they are the result of "hyper-ovulation" (ovulating more than one egg) and this has been known to have a higher rate of recurrence in women who have been pregnant with fraternal twins before.

Either way, hope you'll let us know when you find out for sure!

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