I'm 22weeks and 5 days now and I was so sick I lost 12 lbs during the first trimester and still haven't gained it back. I've only gained 2 lbs of it back now. But both my boys are healthy looking and growing fine and all doc visits have gone well. And my belly is definitely showing! So my doc said, no worries. And that the weight gain will come throughout the rest of this pregnancy. So don't worry too much about weight gain as long as the babies are looking healthy and you're taking care of yourself and them. I also work in a clinic dealing with OB and other patients, and honestly weight gain varies person to person. So like I said, as long as you're good and babies are looking healthy...don't be too concerned. Your doc will tell you if you need to be doing more :)
Nov 10, 2010
weight gain by: Anonymous
Re: the previous comment about weight gain, I would highly recommend you read Dr. Barbara Luke's book, "Expecting Twins, Triplets, and Beyond." It gives detailed information regarding suggested weight gain and nurition requirements. Generally, the guideline is that you should gain a minimum of 20 pounds by 20 weeks. However, this will be influenced by your pre-pregnancy weight and other factors. Get that book and read it cover to cover ASAP! Good luck!
And- she does look great for 22 weeks! :)
Nov 01, 2010
Congrats! by: Anonymous
You look great! I'm having two boys? But, your bump looks awesome and I'm at 22 weeks as well. But,I'm not sure because my doc won't tell me how much I'm supposed to gain if I'm doing okay. Do you guys have a clue about how much weight I should've gained at 22 weeks. I certainly think that your bump is right on and cute as a button. :) Good luck to you.
Aug 12, 2010
Looking great by: Shann
I too look about the same as you at 22 weeks, I hope you are travelling well!