by Christina B
(Delaware )
My name is Christina, and I have 3 daughters from a previous relationship.
I met my husband in October of last year, and we were married on December 26th, 2015. He has one son from a previous relationship. We fell in love and merged our families really quickly, but I couldn't be happier.
I kept feeling weird in January, but my period came on, so my husband insisted that I wasn't pregnant. (That really irritated me.)
Fast forward to February 29th. For the previous three days, I had been having horrible migraines. I usually have them every once in a while, but never that frequently. I tried taking medicine and laying down, but nothing helped, so I insisted that we go to the hospital. I couldn't take it!
We got to the hospital, pretty late that night with all of my daughters in tow. We checked in and waited and waited...
Finally, my name was called so I could get a CAT-Scan. The nurse asked me was if there was a chance that I was pregnant and I said that I didn't know. So, she took my urine and sent me back to the waiting room.
By then, we had been waiting for 3 hours to be seen and I was over it. We went to another hospital nearby. Two hours later, we found out that I was pregnant.
I set up an appointment with my doctor the next day and they scheduled my ultrasound at 6 weeks since we found out when I was 4 weeks.
I was already measuring big, but my husband is a pretty tall guy (6'3), so I just figured the baby was long. The ultrasound tech made me go to the bathroom and then I laid back on the bed. He said, "Here's one baby, here's another." My eyes got huge and he put the ultrasound on the big screen, so that my husband and I can see it.
I looked to my left and my husband looked so pale. He looked like he was gonna fall out of the seat. I kept asking if was okay and he kept asking the tech was he sure. The tech said that he was and that he was going to go talk to the doctor.
Everything was fine and we went home and broke the news to the kids. The girls were excited! My stepson, was too!
I am currently 23 weeks and 5 days pregnant with identical twin boys! The boys I always wanted but never dreamed I would have. I'm just anxious to have them and I can't wait to see them be hold them! I'm due on November 8th, 2016, but my doctors don't think I will make it that far. So I'll most likely deliver in October.
The boys are healthy and I'm so happy!
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