Could I Be Preganant With Twins?

OK I have irregular cycles, normally it's every 32 days. I have missed periods months at a time before. I was expecting my period on July 4, my last on was on June 3rd. However I'm feeling movement around my abdomen and stomach area, it's hard to tell cause it's all over, and I know its not gas. I haven't had any symptoms at all of pregancy and I've never been preg. Like now I'm feeling the movement and I'm hungry. Could I be pregnant with twins. By the way, if I am preg. I would be about 7 or 8 weeks.

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Aug 02, 2009
excuse me...
by: Amanda

u think it isnt possible because it hasnt happened to u,so because u havnt experienced it,its not possible?????
i am sat here 37 weeks pregnant with twins,my first inclination that it was twins were those early movements,it was the most beautiful and amazing feeling in the world,my friend also had simular movements,she too was having twins.
just because you personally havn't experienced it doesn't mean its not possible,I am sharing from experience,not is very possible,and also a pregnant mother often just some respect here thankyou x

Aug 01, 2009
by: kat

even if you are pregnant...feeling movement?? at 7 or 8 weeks your baby or babies are just embryos. you can not possibly feeling movements. just take a pregnancy test

Jul 31, 2009
possible ...
by: Amanda

I felt movement at 7 weeks with my two,one at one side,one at the other.lots of it too.
so yes very possible indeed :)

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