How High is Miscarriage Rate After 12 Weeks With Twins?

by Tamika
(Decatur, Il)

I am only 11 weeks pregnant and I worry 24/7 about the health of my twins. I have been reading anything and everything to get information that will help me feel better. Everything I read always explains how high risk this pregnancy is and it drives me crazy. I was just wondering what the miscarriage rate was for twins after 12 weeks?

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Jul 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

I'm 19 years old and I'm having twins. I was told when I was younger that I couldn't have kids, but I am.

So, I have a question, I stay hungry and I keep having this really sharp pain in and around my belly this normal?

Dec 26, 2012
Same boat
by: Anonymous

I am also 11 weeks pregnant and have been reading many things about twin pregnancy. Its rather depressing and I can't help but worry. I happy to know that I am not alone and I think the best advice is enjoy the pregnancy. Their are people out there to take care of us.

Dec 18, 2012
Enjoy your pregnancy
by: Anonymous

It partially depends on the type of twins you are having. If your twins each have their own sac, there is a much lower risk of complications. If they are identical an share a sac/placenta the risk goes up. That being said, a majority of twin pregnancies are successful. The biggest thing you should be concerned about right now is staying healthy and doing what your doctor says. It is important to keep those litle ones in there as long as possible and the doctor will help you do that. Enjoy your pregnancy, twins are a wonderful miracle!

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