My Little Peanut Babies

by Catora
(Hagerstown, MD)

Mathews A and Mathews B

Mathews A and Mathews B

Well I always joked with my boyfriend sayin how if I ever got preg with him I'd have 3 and then I would say sike but then I would say for real, twins. He would just say yeah it came to our shock when I found out I was pregnant. And so about a week later I went for blood work and they called me and told me my hormones was high enough to have a ultra sound so I figured I was about 12-14 weeks. Well the ultra sound nurse is doing the thing and she says there's two in here. I was like are you for real? And my 2nd thing I said was, I'm goin to be huge... We was so shocked and happy! But, it comes to find out I was only 7 weeks and 1 day...

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Jul 30, 2009
by: Amanda

look at that clear picture....huge congrats :)

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