Twin Girls @ 18 Weeks!

by April

My husband and I have wanted a girl for a long time. We have three wonderful boys right now. All of them wanted sisters and we were so happy to tell them that they are getting sisters! It is so exciting!

Comments for Twin Girls @ 18 Weeks!

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May 09, 2011
Possibly Twins
by: Anonymous

I am a complete mess... I had a scan in Feb my doc only just found a heart beat and told me I am around 4 weeks. When we got back and booked in for our 10 week scan it turned out that baby was actually 13weeks! My belly was popping at this stage, my first child and by around what I thought was 8-10 weeks I couldnt get my pants up. Had a doc appointment last Monday to book in hospital and my doctor said "Sarah for 17 weeks you are too" He seems to think that a)I am further than we thought or b)twins. My belly really has popped... and at teh 13 week scan bub would NOT MOVE. Now I am excited and nervous as hell for my scan this week. I dont feel kicks at this stage so I dont think we are further. Arghhh I wish i felt kicking. I have strange pulse movements on both sides now and then.. so 2nd babies can really hide!

Jul 28, 2009
by: kim in Cali

How exciting! I too have 3 preg with twins. It would be so neat to have a girl in the bunch! You have given me hope! :) Contrats to you !!! Take care!

May 02, 2009
Happy to be half done...
by: Megan

Thanks, your absolutely right its a big relief to know that everything is going good. Now that I know they are girls and that everything is going well I'm ready for it to be over with lol. I know they need to stay in there for as long as possible but I just can't wait to see what they look like and their little personalitys. I did get an u/s pic up. Its actually the one right above yours i think. Its titled "fighting already". If you have the time check it out and let me know what you think. :-)

May 02, 2009
That's Wonderful!
by: April

That is so great to hear that everything is going so well! It is such a relief to hear! I remember at my ultrasound how nice it was to hear that! Congratulations! Can you believe we are half way through? I am so happy to hear your great news and thanks for letting me know. I was thinking about you! :) I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful day!

May 01, 2009
20 weeks down 20 to go :-)
by: Megan

The ultrasound went great! Everything measures exactly what its suppose to and the babys are perfect. They are both 12 ounces each, baby girl a is 6 1/2 inches long and baby girl b is 7 inches long. While measureing the u/s tech did find two placentas so they are deffinetly fraternal. I'm not very computer savy lol but I'm going to try and put the latest u/s pics up so hopefully I'll get to share my girls with everyone. Hope all is well! :-)

Apr 28, 2009
Keep my posted!
by: April

Let me know how your ulrasound goes! I will be 20 weeks on the 29th as well! I'm sure everything will be great! Good luck and let me know! :)

Apr 27, 2009
Yay Pink!
by: Megan

The ultrasound tech told us that theres a 85% chance that they are frateral. My husbands mother is an identical twin and I have 7 sets of fraternal twins and 1 set of identical twins on my moms side. The doctor told us he'd beable to tell us for sure identical/fraternal right after I had them. I go for my 20 week ultrasound to measure the babys on wednesday 4/29 and just really keeping my fingers crossed everything is ok.

Megan :-)

Apr 26, 2009
by: April

More than likely fraternal because they have seperate sacs and placentas. Congratulations to you! We finally get to buy pink! Are yours identical or fraternal?

Apr 25, 2009
by: Megan

Your picture looks alot like my pics. I'm having twin girls also. My husband and I have two boys so we were also excited to find out we were having girls this time. Are your girls identical or fraternal?

Best wishes,

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