Twins For Us! Thank You God, Embryo Donors, and NEDC

by Kris

We embarked on a journey of embryo adoption in of September 2010, and March of 2011 we had two donated embryos transferred at the NEDC in TN.

We have a three year old daughter and wanted to give having another just one last chance. Even though we knew there was a chance of twins, we were still surprised when we got the news at ultrasound.

The first trimester was hard with fatigue and nausea but it seems a distant memory now that we are at 26 weeks. I am now on modified bed rest, and this has also been challenging, but well worth it. The bed rest is a precaution to avoid premature labor though we havn't had any complications so far. I can relate to the other post as far as the insomnia, but figure it is good training for sleepless nights ahead!

I feel very blessed to be given another chance at motherhood having had a bit of a past and not getting married until age 39. I was 42 when we had our biological daughter and that makes me 45 now, the very top age limit to qualify for embryo adoption.

I heard this today, that God can give us double for our trouble. And I really believe that whatever trouble we have had in our life, if we trust God amazing changes can happen. Double changes in our case!

Comments for Twins For Us! Thank You God, Embryo Donors, and NEDC

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Aug 02, 2014
You are their biological mother
by: Anonymous

You actually are also the biological mother to your twins. Not the genetic mother-- but since you gave birth to them-- you are their biological mother!

Sep 30, 2011
You're so right!
by: mom to be

I really appreciate your comment about God giving you double for your trouble. My husband and I have dealt with 4 years of infertility and now through IVF I am pregnant with twins! I remember being so down thinking nothing will work after all that we've been through, but God does answer prayers, not in our time frame but his! Congratulations to you!

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