Twins? Maybe...

by Cara

Not sure if twins?

Not sure if twins?

This was taken at 8 weeks. Would the sonogram tech or doctor have told me if I had twins? I did change doctors shortly after that sonogram.
I'm going back for my 16 week sonogram in a few days, but I keep looking at this picture thinking theres more than one baby in there.
If not, what is the second blob? The top one is clearly a baby...
Thanks so much!!!

Comments for Twins? Maybe...

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Nov 14, 2011
Yolk sac
by: Twin having twins

I have to say I believe that's the baby's yolk sac. I am 7 weeks 4 days and have already had 5 ultrasounds. Both my babies have this in every picture but the bigger they will get the smaller the yolk sac till its not even visible.

Apr 16, 2009
similar situation
by: Anonymous

hi was looking on web to see if my gp told me the truth cause in my first ultrasound there were 2 little spots !!! was begining to think i might have 2 little ones but on seeing your picture, looks just like mine!! thanks and good luck for your little angel!

Apr 13, 2009
by: amanda

hello you,thanks for letting us know,I would have mistook that for twins tooeasily done.
lots of love to you and your little one growing inside,you are gonna be a great mum xx

Apr 13, 2009
by: Cara

Thanks for the help ladies, but I went to get my 17 week ultrasound, and it's only 1 baby girl!! :) Twins would have been nice, but I'm quite relieved to know there's only 1!! (single mom).
Oh, and in case anyone else has the same question, the ultrasound tech said it was the sac that provides nutrients to the baby when its so young. Crazy that it was the same size as the baby's head!

Apr 04, 2009
A big maybe...
by: Anonymous

The other thing could very likely be the "yolk sac". Another possibility is that there was only one heart beat detected. The doctor or tech would definitely tell you if you were having twins..there would be no reason for them not to. Either way, it will be interesting to see what your next ultrasound brings. :)

Apr 04, 2009
by: Amanda

i agree,looks like 2 to me xx

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