Twins...One Heartbeat Slower...

by Heather

At my 7 week ultrasound the doctor found two babies! Baby A's heartbeat was 160 measuring normal size. Baby B's heartbeat was 116 measuring 5 days smaller. They are fraternal twins... the doctor seemed pessimistic... but baby B has a heartbeat!! any advice??

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May 16, 2011
Thank you :)
by: heather

thanks Amber. I did go back last monday and baby b stopped growing and had no heartbeat :( But the good news is baby a was right on track looking great. I was pretty convinced that since it had a heartbeat there was hope. But all things happen for a reason. I wish you the best of luck with yours! Please update me. God Bless :)

May 16, 2011
Not really advice but...
by: Amber

I'm not sure there's really any advice to be given in this situation. A significant disparity in the size and heart rate between your twins is unfortunately a strong indicator that your twin pregnancy may soon become a singleton pregnancy. The smaller twin will very likely have "vanished" by your next ultrasound. Vanishing twin syndrome occurs in anywhere between 21 and 30% of twin pregnancy. The good news is that the remaining twin is at no increased risk and will generally go on to be a very healthy singleton.

There is, of course, the slight possibility that your small twin will hang in there, but you should be prepared, as much as possible, for that not to happen.

I had my 1st ultrasound 3 weeks ago at 7 weeks, which is when we found we were having twins. Our next ultrasound is still a couple of weeks away, at the 12.5 week mark. Until then, I won't know whether I'm among that nearly 1 in 3 women who will lose a twin early in pregnancy. As sad as I would be to find I had lost a baby, I think there is some comfort in knowing that there is still a healthy baby on the way. Pregnancy loss is often the result of a serious defect in the genes of the affected fetus, nature's way of increasing the number of healthy offspring we produce.

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