What's My Risk of Losing a Twin?

I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks pregnant for a kidney problem and the technician said she'd look at the baby to see if all seemed ok. She then told me it was twins. I could see two heart beats, two embryos and two yolk sacs. I'm 10 weeks now but can't stop worrying about vanishing twin syndrome. How at risk am I? I'm finding it impossible to wait for the 12 weeks scan!

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Apr 24, 2012
I was there, too.
by: Anonymous

I worried about vanishing twin syndrome clear up until I was about 23 weeks along, at 23 weeks on I feel them move constantly. They say the chances go down majorly after 12 weeks, so just hold on. I am currently at 29 weks with healthy babies! Unfortunately there is no way of knowing if you will lose one or not, but my best advise is even when you do start feeling them move, don't freak out if they "stop"... Mine were facing each other and beating each other for a long time and I couldn't feel it, just saw it on the ultra sound. Stay active, listen to your body, and drink lots of water! The best thing for the 3 of you! :)

Apr 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

It's really out of your hands. I think we mommys all have the same concerns, I had the same thoughts when I was pregnant. It's out of your hands, just relax and pray. What's meant to happen will happen.
I was supposed to be a twin but my mom lost the other baby. However, I carried my twins to 38 weeks and got induced. So just consider anything that happens to be your little miracle :-)

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