20 Weeks With Twin Girls

by Lindsey
(Brooklyn, NY)

20 Weeks!!

20 Weeks!!

Twin girls!!! Baby #2 & 3! Absolutely not this big as early with my first singleton baby. Still in shock. We don't have twins in the family and I'm just under 30 so the odds of twins were slim. We are super excited! Found out at 10 weeks that there were 2. I have a 13 yr old step daughter and a 2.5 year old daughter. All girls. Girl power.

Comments for 20 Weeks With Twin Girls

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Mar 31, 2009
by: Amanda

i am carrying neat too
look amazing :)

Dec 20, 2008
not sure?
by: Lindsey

We don't know if they are identical or fraternal because they have two seperate sacs & placentas. They are both girls so they said the only way to determine was through DNA testing. Crazy huh? I wish I knew. I found out that it is in my family but very distant. So maybe that's where these ladies came from. Just now at my 24th week. So much bigger than in this photo. Will post again.

Dec 19, 2008
by: Anonymous

Are they fraternal or identical? I'm also pregnant with twins, fraternal. They're genetic on the woman's side and I have no family members who's had twins...very bizarre..Congrats and Good luck!

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