Born As Siblings

by Mary
(Del Mar, CA)

When I first found out I was going to have twins I was shocked and worried. Not because my body would be distorted by the weight of two babies, and not because I didn't think I could handle two newborns, I was worried about how these two babies would relate to each other. How would they get along? How would they handle a copy of themselves?

My husband and I are both only children, and we told each other that we wanted to have at least two kids so, unlike us, they could have a playmate, a friend, someone to call family. When my husband's mother passed away before we were married, he wished he had a sibling to go through it with, to help out with his dad, to talk to. Family events are boring for lack of uncles, nieces, obnoxious brother-in-laws, so we declared to have at least 2 kids to keep each other company.

I never expected twins. I wanted our first to be a son who we could name after his father, then 2 years later we wanted a daughter, someone to bring a yin to our yang, but things don't always go as planned, and now I have two baby girls growing inside of me.

Having no experience at all with twins, I worry about the psychological damage of not being an individual. Will they be opposite of each other? Will they be so alike its creepy? Plus, girls, GIRLS! I am not a frilly girl myself, but I can only imagine them fighting over makeup, the bathroom mirror, boys!

As I type, I am getting worked up and I can feel the both of them moving, kicking, wiggling inside me as if to say "calm down mom or I'll sock you in the stomach" or maybe the quarrel has already begun, "stay to your side of the uterus."

Soon I will understand what it is like to be a mother for the first time. I understand that even if the two babies put me through hell, they are my first and they, being born together, are all they will know of each other from birth. So, even though the appearance of a third hand on the sonogram was unexpected, this will be a new chapter, two girls born as sisters and two parents understanding the power of the sibling connection through twins.

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Nov 23, 2013
im a twin
by: megs

Hi, dont stress over them not being individual, im an identical twin and we were dressed the same at times, had the same class on and off and yes got mixed up but we are individual we like the same things and we live 1hr apart and still wear the same colour or cloths lol but we are definatly different!

Feb 23, 2011
dont sweat over it
by: Anonymous

I have 2 girls and I am preggy with twins, 21 weeks along. Girls will be girls twins or not my two girls fight over everything but they also love each other so much, dont sweat over those things, you are blessed thats all I can say....good luck.

Sep 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

As a mom you have the right to worry about whatever you want to worry about! I worry about everything... People should keep negativity to themselves :)

Mar 06, 2010
Just found out that I am pregnant with twins
by: Mary

I just found out that I am pregnant with twins. I am only seven weeks and completely anxious about the health of the unborn children. I have a four year old girl, a miscarriage in August and now I am pregnant with twins. I have some cramping, and some sharp pains, here and there, anyone else experience the same,please let me know. thanks

Mar 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

With all of the real health risks associated with twins, your main worries are sibling rivalry and the psychological impacts of individuality? Really? There are so many real, potentially severe risks to worry about.Treat them as individuals and they will be. All siblings bicker at some point, twins or not. Give me a break. Stop wasting your time worrying about silly things.

Feb 11, 2009
by: Becca

It will all be fine. As an aunt of twins I know that there is tons to worry about but if you love them they will grow up to be wonderful women! Good luck!


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