Humorously Large - Twin Pregnancy

by Geohde

Yes, you will get fairly humorously large in all probability.

It does get hard to walk, wipe your bits on the loo and certain grooming habits below your equator will go out the window.

Okay, so you may think now that you'll be different, but believe me I normally Keep Things Well Pruned and my Lady Garden ended up needing a very VERY thorough weeding by the time I could actually reach it again.

Dont believe me yet?

I'll give you some helpful stats on size.
I was term size at 28 weeks. My final fundal height (measurement of the size of the bump that you'll have at your obstetric visits, term is normally 37 to 40 cm) was 50cm. My waist was 1.3metres/52 inches (it's now back to 65cm/26 inches).

I gained over 30 kilograms (sixty plus pounds). I ate for my nation. I was ravenous all the time.  Yes, my bed was full of the detritus of nocturnal meals I didn't even recall having.
I'm normally fairly small and I was terrified I would never go back, but I did. I was in my pre-pregnancy clothes (albeit with a collection of stretchmarks, but such is life) by six weeks postpartum. You WILL see your feet again, promise.

That's me at 29 weeks, in what was to become my favourite tent.

That's me at 32 weeks. Yes, the maternity shirt failed utterly in it's job by this point. Additionally, my butt and boobs were massive, although given they were dwarfed by my Fetus Module, it's hard to tell.

That's 33 weeks

34 weeks, at which point I stopped taking any more photographs because, well. My belly button was now pointing SOUTH.

That is 11 weeks postpartum.

As for other pregnancy related matters, you'll get rather a lot of ultrasounds, which I used to love. Although believe it or not after a while you do tend to stop cooing at the little faces and toes. You just see them so much that it all gets a bit  'Oooh fingers...lemme seeee. Yep, still ten. Good to know'.

See more of Geohde's articles:
IVF Twins
Twin Pregnancy Complications
Surviving Twins

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Sep 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

Wow! That postpartum picture gives me a lot of hope! Thanks for your article.

Jul 23, 2009
by: Savvy

Thanks for sharing... that was fabulous and a little terrifying all at the same time. I'm still so early, I'm going to claim ignorance on just how big I will get. 60 pounds, you said... oh boy! How much did you gain each trimester?

Jun 08, 2009
hahahah i am feeling it now at 27 weeks....
by: Crystal

oh boy...i guess the worst isnt over yet....i gained 31 pounds so far at 26 weeks measuring about 30 or so cm....i know its about the time where i start gaining alot more weight...i cant believe how big someone so little can get...i started at 127 lbs and 5'6"....i feel like a house now lol and sooooooo true about shaving anything below...or even cutting your toenails or painting is non existent due to stretching skin pain...round ligament pain or the babies beating the heck out of you or eachother...their kicks are really strong now look sooooooooo good after having your babies :)

May 02, 2009
Very Honest
by: Anonymous

Love reading your articles.. And I thank you for sharing!

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